Hello World

This is the obligatory post to let everyone know that I’m done with configuring this site to the point where I’m going to start posting.

It was a necessary overhaul from my last site, where I tried to build everything by hand while having no significant experience with modern web dev and not enough time.

This blog is intended to have a variety of topics and will mostly serve to put things into longer text form posts than I would put out on social media. While I do plan to post some things here, due to the nature of the content (long-ish form text posts), I will likely not post frequently. It’s more a place for my random musings and occasional screaming into the nothingness.

The topics will vary widely between serious social commentary through my insignificant personal perspective on one side and entertaining bugs I find in various techological applications on the other side.

Basically everything I consider worth writing a longer text about. I will try to put my posts into fitting categories to make them easier to find, but since I haven’t seriously blogged since my school days, I will mess that up on occasion. If you spot something that is not in a category you would expect, feel free to contact me.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in following shorter posts about various (currently mostly political) topics, feel free to head over to my Mastodon, where I post more frequently.